Many people don’t realize that they spend too much time searching for things online. They also don’t realize how much productivity could really benefit from having a tool to help them organize their activities. This article will introduce you to some useful apps that can save hours every week.
Business Apps that Help with Productivity
1. Google Drive
You probably already know that Google Drive is one of the top productivity tools out there. However, it has a huge number of features and functions that allow you to organize your tasks and projects better. Even though it might seem like a perfect solution for everyone, it might not be for everyone.

It helps you organize your files into folders and subfolders, plus allows you to create new documents, edit existing ones, or add a variety of other helpful functions. You can easily share these files with specific groups of individuals.
The only thing is, it costs $8 per month, which may not be worth it if you are looking for a free option. Plus, it won’t sync with iCloud, which means you can access your files only through the web browser. If these two factors annoy you, then this app might not be for you. But if you prefer to keep your information private, then do check it out!
2. Trello
This is another amazing product created by the same company as Google Drive. It works in an almost identical way as the latter. Just like its name suggests, Trello organizes all kinds of projects into boards that can contain different elements such as cards, lists, and so forth. Also, the interface is very user-friendly and intuitive to use.
In addition, you can easily collaborate with others through various channels including email, phone calls, and chat. Another great feature is you are able to assign each list certain tags that will make it easier for you to find what you need when you want to search for it. So, even though you have numerous projects being worked on at any given time, none of them would get lost because everything is stored neatly within Trello.
3. Evernote
This application is designed especially for storing notes and organizing ideas. When you download it onto your computer, it becomes available everywhere whether it’s on your desktop, laptop, tablet, mobile phone, etc. Unlike Trello which requires you to pay a monthly fee to store more data, Evernote has no monthly costs since you can either pay a yearly subscription or sign up for a free trial. In fact, the only limitation is how much storage space should you allocate before upgrading to Premium.
Since Evernote is capable of storing tons of data, it’s best suited for those who work in fields where they have to collect lots of information. For example, salespeople, marketing experts, writers, chefs, photographers, and many other professionals fall under this category.
4. Quikr
One more fantastic tool that can boost your productivity visit casino en ligne for more. This app was specifically designed to help users sell and buy stuff using their smartphones and tablets. It does so by connecting directly with the marketplace website. So, instead of calling customers and agents yourself, you just open the “buy now” page and click on the items you want to purchase. Thereafter, it transfers payments to your bank account.
Another important feature is there’s no need for you to worry about credit card security. This happens automatically while you process online transactions. Therefore, you don’t need to give away your personal details when purchasing things. What’s more convenient? You only need one account to view and manage all your orders.